Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review

After a spring and summer of planning, the editorial board is happy to announce the publication of the second issue of the the newly imagined Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review (PUR)! The PUR, sponsored by the Frederick Honors College, is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, undergraduate research journal with over 30 years of history. Our journal focuses on research and creative scholarship done by students throughout the Pitt community under the mentorship of Pitt faculty across disciplines. The PUR strives to build a community of undergraduate scholars through schowcasing student work form all fields.
This second issue of the open access version of the PUR comes at a special time for the university and our journal. In the summer of 2022, Pitt's University Honors College became the David C. Frederick Honors College, due to the support of the University of Pittsburgh Honors College alumnus, David Frederick. A renowned attorney, and Pitt's first Rhodes Scholar, Mr. Frederick was one of the founding Student Editorial Board members of the Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review. Mr. Frederick is one of many esteemed honors college alum to serve as an editorial board memeber over the years and, through their effort and support, we are proud to carry on the PUR tradition.
The editorial board of the PUR wants to thank the Frederick Honors College, University Library System, our peer reviewers, and copy-editors who helped produce this issue.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy this issue!